Transforming Problems into Possibilities
Transforming Problems into Possibilities
Astudia Facilitation and Training Services gets excited by problems and sticky situations. Why? Because these problems and situations not only provide valuable information, but are expressions of something needing to heal or grow. And those expressions are where the possibility is waiting to be freed up- the messages need only be deciphered and disentangled.
Hi, I am Karen Goodfellow and I don't run away from organizational problems...I walk into them with teams and together we gently and skillfully tease apart the system to discover the clarity and possibility held within these problems.

Whether your team consists of 10 or 1,000, Fortune 500 or not-for-profit, union or management, I can meet your organization's cultural needs. Workshops are highly interactive, safe, productive, deep, and operate within a systemic framework resulting in evolutionary and lasting change. Every system is hardwired for growth no matter how difficult it might be to see and I can partner with you to transform:
- problems into possibility
- difficulties into doorways
- sticky areas into solutions
- crisis into connection
- chaos into clarity
- grey areas into growth
- roadblocks into results
I have a proven record of igniting, training, and facilitating hundreds of teams that have embodied a higher level of success (e.g. profit, morale, engagement, or thriving culture). With customized team workshops and courses, over 25,000 participants have consistently rated Facilitator Effectiveness at 94% and Workshop Effectiveness at 92%. Contact me now.

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Astudia Facilitation and Team Effectiveness
(250) 495-0500 or (604)880-2025