Thank you Karen! It was very stunning to watch us all transform over the last 3 hours. The power of connection has never ceased to amaze me. Thank you Karen for booking the time, holding the space, and leading the meeting! We began with 80% of us checking in with the word “anxious” and about 90% of us with something that felt difficult. Post meeting (where we focused on some tough stuff!) we shifted into new space. I felt like it wasn’t so much what we discussed, but how we loved and listened to each other every step of the way. Because it is so important to remember the power of what happens when our team connects and gets focused, here is a snapshot of the check-out we did at the end: Rejuvenated, Grateful, Clear, Connected, Inspired, Touched, Excited, Loved, Appreciated, Heard, Happy to have direction, Peaceful, Trusting, and Blessed!
Nasreen Gulamhusein
(Director of Client Services - Clearmind International Counselling Training School)
Nasreen Gulamhusein
(Director of Client Services - Clearmind International Counselling Training School)